Thanks to our volunteers for supporting our work in expanding International Patient Navigation. Our team of volunteers collaborated from the accompaniment and support to patients, distribution of educational material, as well as technical support.

Dr. Sergio Ralon, is chief of Oncological Surgery at the General Hospital San Juan de Dios in Guatemala and directs the area of Breast Cancer and Breast Disease. Dr. Ralon supports the International Patient Navigation program and collaborates with patient navigators to ease the process for patients within the health care system. Dr. Ralon is internationally recognized, has over 20 years of experience in the area of breast cancer and is the author of several academic books.

Dr. Patricia Chacón Lezana, General Surgeon with a specialty in Breast Tumors, is head of the clinic of the Department of Surgery at San Juan de Dios General Hospital. Dr. Chacon is also a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Mariano Galvez University of Guatemala.

Physician and Surgeon from the Francisco Marroquín University. Postgraduate degree in Gynecology and Obstetrics Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala Fellowship in Gynecology Oncology International Gynecological Cancer Society Global Curriculum Associate Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics Universidad Francisco Marroquín Junior Editor International Journal of Gynecological cancer.

Silvia Angelica Xinico Ajú, is a Maya Woman Kaqchikel, facilitator of the OSAR Chimaltenango Reproductive Health Observatory, Coordinator of the National Alliance of Indigenous Women’s Organizations for Health, Education and Nutrition ALIANMISAR, Local Cervical Cancer Prevention Researcher at Georgetown and Hackensack University; accompanying indigenous women in health services for the prevention of maternal mortality and cervical cancer; and inciting public policies on behalf of women for the fulfilment of their human rights.

Vilma de Vásquez is a cancer survivor and is currently a Patient Navigator in Guatemala. Vázquez is vice president of the organization Rebuilding Lives (ASEROVI) and provides accompaniment service during medical appointments to patients, as well as emotional support, resources and educational material. Vilma supports patient browser training logistics and is direct contact with several medical oncologists who support our cause. Vasquez is counter expert.

Ruthilia Gonzalez, RN graduated from the Mariano Galvez University of Guatemala, she is currently General Supervisor in the departments of critical area, pediatrics, surgical physician, chief and deputy chief in the adult intensive services units, operating room, equipment center, and cardiovascular surgery unit at the General Hospital San Juan de Dios. She is a teacher and practice supervisor of nursing courses, surgical physician, nursing administration, supervised practice in hospital services at University of Rafael Landivar.

Sandra Patricia Pacheco Berdugo is a Nurse from the National University of Colombia, Specialist in Oncological Nursing and Master in Nursing in Palliative Care from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia), with certification as an NPI Patient Navigator in 2023. She has 20 years of experience. experience in supporting people with cancer, from direct care in outpatient and inpatient chemotherapy administration services, as well as in the coordination of oncology in several institutions in Colombia. She is currently a professor at the Faculty of Nursing at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, supporting the training of Master Nurses in Oncology Nursing.

Thanks to the kind donation “In memory of Verny A. Samayoa”, we registered NPI as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in February 2020 and are providing scholarships to train new patient browsers in Guatemala, with the aim of the program in a public hospital. This training will be done online, due to COVID-19.

Rosa Victoria Castañeda Mora: Colombian Nurse, graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (1990), Specialist in oncological nursing (1994) and bioethics from the Universidad Javeriana (2006), Specialist in University Teaching from the Nueva Granda Military University (2021). Master in Bioethics from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (2017). Professor of the Master of Nursing in Palliative Care and Oncology at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (2010 to present). Specialized Personnel of the National Cancer Institute E.S.E. (from 1992 to the present) President of the Colombian Association of Oncological Nursing. Former magistrate of the Nursing Ethical Court Eastern Central Region. Certified as an international patient navigator from George Washington Cancer University and Universidad del Istmo (2023) and currently participating as a collaborator in the latest courses taken. National and International Speaker, countries Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Chile and Peru.

Evelyn María Mayorga Campos: Soy una mujer qué vive con esperanza, siente y ama. Creo en la vida y en los seres humanos. Soy hija, hermana, tía, amiga, compañera y colega. De profesión Maestra de Educación Primaria Urbana, Nutriciosta y Navegadora de Pacientes Certificada por Navegación de Pacientes Internacional, Inc. (NPI). Trabajé del 2000 al 2005 en CeSSIAM en un Proyecto de Investigación “Dieta, Nutrición y la Prevención de Cáncer” con México, Escocia, Holanda y Guatemala, financiado por AICR/WCRF. He sido Presidenta de la Organización de estudiantes de Nutrición, Presidenta de la Asociación de Nutricionistas de Guatemala, y, actualmente represento la Presidencia de la Red Nacional en Apoyo al Cáncer. Además, soy voluntaria para NPI. Desde el año 2000 me diagnosticaron un tumor en tallo cerebral y he pasado por cuatro operaciones cerebrales: Radiotarapia Gamma Knife, Quimioterapia Cerebral e Inmunoterapia. Me siento muy feliz de trabajar por los pacientes oncológicos y de esta forma expresar mi agradecimiento a tantas personas que me apoyaron cuando más lo necesite.

Kevin Ricardo Sánchez is a prominent Guatemalan professional, Graduate in Physiotherapy, thanatologist and public relations specialist, dedicated to providing hope and support to those facing cancer. As president of the Compromiso de Amor Group, he leads programs focused on the psycho-emotional support of oncology patients and their families, creating support networks that transform lives. In 2022, her humanitarian work was recognized by presiding over the changing of the Rose of Peace at the National Palace of Culture of Guatemala, highlighting her impact on the lives of cancer patients. Additionally, in 2023, it actively participated in the 1st International Patient Navigation Congress in Latin America, strengthening its commitment to improving access and quality. Kevin combines his experience and passion to inspire positive change, leading with empathy and dedication toward a more caring and hopeful future.

Vivi Gramajo is a cancer survivor and is currently a Patient Navigator in Guatemala. She is the president of the organization Rebuilding Lives (ASEROVI) and provides accompaniment service during medical appointments to patients, as well as emotional support, resources and educational material. Vivi supports in the logistics of training for patient browsers and is direct contact with several medical oncologists who support our cause.

Marta Quiñonez is a cancer survivor and is currently Navigator of Paciente in Guatemala. Martita was part of the organization Rebuilding Lives (ASEROVI). Today she supports patients from accompaniment service during medical appointments to patients, as well as emotional support, resources and educational material. Quiñonez supports patient browser training logistics and is direct contact with several oncologist physicians who support our cause.

Kate Foster, BSN, RN
I have been a Registered Nurse since 1987 with 12 years’ experience working in a Major University Teaching hospital. I worked as a Nursing Instructor, in Clinical Case Management, a clinic Triage Nurse. I am a Member of: WASHAA (Washington State Health Advocates Association) NAHAC (National Associates of Healthcare Advocates) Greater National Advocates and served for 2 years on the National Credentialing Committee for Patient Advocates.
Beginning 2013, I worked with industry professionals to develop a Patient Navigator/ Care Coordinator 6-month training program which was the foundation for Community and Technical Colleges in Washington State offering this certificate. I’m the lead author of the original course and was main instructor for the first 2 years.

Kelly Welch is the Executive Director of MA-based nonprofit, Team Maureen, and a founding member of the Coalition, serving on both the Oral and Cervical Taskforces. She is a member of the American Cancer Society’s HPV Roundtable and the ASCCPs work group for cervical cancer guidelines. Since earning her degree from Cornell University, she has worked in education-focused nonprofits for over 20 years, addressing a wide spectrum of subjects including suicide prevention, culinary arts, substance abuse, and cervical cancer/HPV prevention.